Policies and Procedures
The policy and procedures contain all the policies applicable to staff and students at Dili International School. The appendices of this folder contain related procedural documentation.
School policies define the roles and responsibilities of community members and make clear accountabilities. While policy initiatives may come from various members of the school community policies must be ratified by the governing body before they come into effect. Where possible policies will be kept brief as they are meant to provide guidelines for decision making. Where necessary the policies in the manual are supported by detailed procedural documentation in the appendices.
Policies in this manual are grouped into the following categories:
Section 1 -Governance and guiding statements
Section 2 -Teaching and learning
Section 3 -Communication
Section 4-Health and safety
Section 5-Staffing
1.1 Governance Policy
The purpose of this policy is to define the governance structure of Dili International School.
Dili International School is a private PreK-12 school developed to meet the needs of the local and expatriate community of Timor-Leste requiring an English medium education with international recognition. The school is governed by the owner/managers in consultation with the Leadership Team.
The full policy can be found here.
1.2 Ethical practice policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline parameters of ethical practice at Dili International School.
In an endeavour to guarantee ethical practice both amongst staff and by the governing body . Dili Internationals School has adopted the Council of International School’s Code of Ethics. This code of ethics will define the nature of transactions between the school and its community.
The full policy can be found here.
2.1 Fee policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure common understandings of the fee structure and associated procedures of the setting and collection of fees.
DIS employs a differentiated fee schedule as a strategy to ensure inclusivity and diversity within the student body. DIS is committed to the differentiated fee schedule as a means of meeting the aims of our mission and vision.
The full policy can be found here.
2.2 Student Placement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to make clear to the school community Dili International School’s criteria for the placement of students into appropriate classes.
Dili International School strives for transparency in its provision of education for students. In an effort to be clear as to the decisions of the placement of students into the appropriate class, Dili International school has adopted a standard set of age appropriate entry and exit criteria for each grade level.
The full policy can be found here.
2.3 Student advancement and retention policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish common understandings of retention and advancement of students between grade levels at Dili International School. As Dili International School is a southern hemisphere school the school often receives students who have finished or are part way through the Northern Hemisphere school year.
The full policy can be found here.
2.4 Assessment & reporting policy
To establish and communicate common understandings and practices of how assessment and reporting operates at Dili International School.
At DIS we recognize that students learn in different ways, and in keeping with a holistic view of education, we believe it is important to provide a variety of ways for students to communicate their learning as they experience the written, taught and assessed curriculum. Targeted authentic assessment ensures children’s learning is measured against agreed upon learning outcomes, that teachers regularly monitor student progress and that we as a school can report to parents and others about children’s learning. It is the responsibility of each teacher to ensure that they understand and use assessment practices which are in line with the philosophy of the programme that they teach in, to inform their planning, teaching. and as a means of gathering data on student learning.
The full policy can be found here.
2.5 Academic Honesty Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure common understandings of academic honesty and the consequences for academic dishonesty and malpractice within our community.
Dili International School promotes academic honesty throughout our community. Our school is committed to developing in students the attributes of the IB learner profile which include inquiring, principled, knowledgeable, caring learners fit for the demands of the 21st century.
Developmentally appropriate skills which promote academic honesty will be explicitly taught throughout the school.
The full policy can be found here.
2.6 Language Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure common understandings of the role of language and language learning at Dili International School.
In order to comply with the International Baccalaureate Program's standards and practices, students at DIS are from age 7, required to learn an additional language to their mother tongue.
The full policy can be found here.
2.7 Resource acquisition policy
The purpose of this policy is to create common understandings of the processes by which to request academic resources.
The school must ensure that it is resourced to deliver the IB Programmes and the Australian Curriculum. Resourcing will be based around the curriculum review cycle.
The full policy can be found here.
2.8 ICT user policy
The purpose of the policy is to establish common understandings of the expectations for the use of ICT resources at Dili International School.
Information communication technologies enhance teaching and learning at Dili International School. Using technology enables community members to access global information from a wealth of sources and perspectives. While the provision of access to global information supports the programming at the school it also presents a risk that these resources could be misused. It is important to establish common understandings of the use and consequences for misuse of the ICT resources provided by the school to ensure students are safe, legal and responsible.
The full policy can be found here.
2.9 Learning Enhancement Policy
The purpose of the policy is to establish common understandings of learning enhancement which can be catered for within our community and the means by which we do so.
Dili International School supports diversity and inclusivity within its student body and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sexual orientation, age, disability or religion in its employment or educational practices. We do however recognise that within the community there are limited means to support individuals with additional needs and therefore can only admit students with additional needs which we can accommodate.
The full policy can be found here.
2.10 Attendance policy
The purpose of this policy is develop common understandings of attendance expectations at Dili International School.
The full policy can be found here.
2.11 Relationship Management Policy
In order to create a harmonious and positive learning environment we aim to promote the resolution of conflicts between and restoration of relationships between community members to provide high quality interpersonal relationships of care and support. A restorative practice approach
Addresses and discusses the needs of the school community
Builds healthy relationships between educators and students
Resolves conflict, holds individuals and groups responsible
Repairs harm and restores positive relationships relationships
Reduces, prevents and improves harmful behaviour
Teaches important skills to manage conflict, such as active listening, ability to express emotion/feelings, problem solving skills and the ability to take responsibility for our actions
Restorative Practice is about
Helping people to identify the impact their behaviour has had on others
Holding them accountable for their behaviour
Supporting them to accept responsibility for their actions
Helping them find a way to “put it right” and make better choices in the future.
The full policy can be found here.
2.12 Homework policy
To develop the approaches to learning skills of self-management, thinking, and research. It also serves to develop the IB Learner profile attributes of being balanced, thinkers, knowledgeable, and reflective.
DIS values the role of homework in providing opportunities for students to reflect upon and reinforce skills and knowledge gained in the classroom. In addition DIS recognises that homework helps to develop student self-management and other affective skills, such as concentration and self discipline.. These are trans-disciplinary and transferable life skills, useful to them beyond their school years. Homework activities also provide a valuable connection between school and home as a window for parents and carers to gain an insight into the learning occurring in the classroom as well as an opportunity for parents to get involved and engage in their child’s learning. There is an agreed expectation that learning occurs at home as well as the classroom on a regular basis.
The full policy can be found here.
2.13 Distance Education policy
To establish guidelines for determining when undertaking a distance education course is appropriate and who is responsible for the cost and the administrative requirements.
The full policy can be found here.
4.0 Child protection code of conduct
The purpose of this policy is to develop common understandings within the community of the behaviours expected of community members who work with or around students of Dili International School.
The full policy can be found here.
4.1 Security Policy
The purpose of this policy is to develop common understandings of actions to be taken in the event of various security situations at Dili International School.
The full policy can be found here.
4.2 Accidents and medical situation policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure there are common understandings of the procedures surrounding accidents and medical situations which arise.
The full policy can be found here.
4.3 Critical incident management policy
To ensure there are common understandings of practices and procedures for dealing with critical incidents within the school community. Critical incidents may include; death, injury, allegations of sexual abuse, major vandalism, terrorist threat etc.
The full policy can be found here.
4.4 Supervision of students on site
The purpose of this policy is to ensure there are common understandings of the responsibility of staff with regards to the supervision of students during non instructional times at school.
The safety of students is of paramount importance at all times while under the care of DIS staff members both on and off campus. Staff are responsible for the supervision of students during non instructional time while on site in both the upper and lower campuses.
All staff are responsible for monitoring student behaviour at all times. Staff will be assigned specific supervision duties.
The full policy can be found here.
4.5 Head lice policy
To establish common understandings of the steps to take in the event that a member of a class is suspected of having head lice.
To ensure a there is a common response to a head lice infestation and that the infected individual is not singled out or stigmatized by the experience.
The full policy can be found here.
4.6 Health and wellness policy
The health and wellbeing of students and staff enhances the learning outcomes of students and upholds social justice and equity concepts. Health-promoting schools provide a safe and supportive environment for all members of the school community. They also link health and education issues and systems, and integrate health into the school’s ongoing activities, curriculum and assessment with all the measures at its disposal.
Dili International School
is committed to providing a safe, healthy and supportive environment in which to work
recognises that the health and wellbeing of our staff is important
is committed to a workplace culture where healthy lifestyle choices are valued and encouraged.
commitment to providing a diverse and rigorous extra curricular program providing opportunities for students to fully develop their creative, sporting, interpersonal, and academic interests
wishes to increase levels of personal well-being among staff
The full policy is found here.
4.7 Student transport policy
To develop common understandings of procedures surround student transportation.
Students are to be transported to and from school by parents, guardians or personal drivers. Any change to regular transportation arrangements must be cleared by parents in the form of a written request in the student diary/KIT book. The office is to make sure any messages through the office about transport arrangements are to be communicated to the classroom or homeroom teacher. If students use the bus service they will not be allowed to get a lift with another family unless the driver has been notified.
The full policy is found here.